The petition process is the process residents use to request the extension of public sewer to their area. While DPW manages the design and construction of the required public infrastructure, residents reimburse DPW for the overall cost of the project through an annual assessment. A majority of property owners within the petition area must be in favor of paying the assessment for a project to move forward. Because of the costs, relatively few sewer petitions have moved forward in past years.
In 2008, the County completed studies that informed a strategy for converting septic systems to public sewer. Subsequent planning from 2012 estimated a cost of over $1.5 billion to convert 20,000 septic systems to public sewer in order to attain the pollutant level reduction outlined by the Maryland Department of the Environment at the time for septic systems.
Given the scope and magnitude of the program, the County initiated a Septic Task Force in 2017 to assist in the development and implementation of a septic to sewer conversion program. The Septic Task Force had four overall goals:
The Septic Task Force completed its work in 2018 with a summary of recommendations for the development of a septic connection program and for changes to the County’s petition process.
Anne Arundel County Septic Task Force Final Report - June 2018
Anne Arundel County Phase 2 Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP)